KWCV Internal Non-Profit
Sharing and Caring
The Sharing & Caring Foundation is a charitable organization of caring associates responding to meet the needs of persons within our community. This non-profit was founded by KW City View agents, and continues to be one of the many ways City View associates contribute to their community. An annual golf tournament and other events have benefited Operation Cheer, Toys for Tots, Elf Louise, Salvation Army, Agape Pregnancy Center, and many others.
RED Day: Renew | Energize | Donate
Every May, KW Associates around the world dedicate the second Thursday to community service. Thousands of associates don their red t-shirts and get out of the office to “give where they live,” leaving a lasting impact on their communities and neighborhoods. Since the first RED Day in 2009, KW agents have given nearly a half million hours of community service in this annual event alone. KW San Antonio projects have included the San Antonio Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Morgan’s Wonderland, South Texas Blood and Tissue Center, Graffiti Wipe Out and others.
KW In the Community
KW considers contribution and giving essential to a person’s well-being. We simply aren’t complete without a community, and the will to give back to our community has led to the founding of several distinct organizations and events.